Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RD Foundation PNG: Program Profile

About RD Foundation PNG
RD Foundation PNG INC. is a member of the RD Group of Companies in Papua New Guinea. It is duly registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) with Association Number 5-4057 on December 7, 2009.

Contact Information:

  • Postal Address: c/o RD Tuna Canners, Ltd., Portion 1004, NCR, Siar, Madang, 511 Madang, Papua New Guinea
  • Phone No.: (675) 853-3144/Ext.132

Program Description

This 2010, RD Foundation PNG will concentrate its program implementation in Madang. It will focus basically on strengthening the two major program components; 1. Community Education and 2. Livelihood Development that will benefit the communities surrounding the RD Company’s sites. Community Outreach activities shall be integrated in the program implementation.

Community Education

Nursery and Kindergarten
The existing community-base program on Nursery and Kindergarten shall be strengthened institutionally with functional management structure in the community level. Supporting the Nursery and Kindergarten program is an important mechanism the Foundation has for the community that they could continue to access free education for children. Capacity building activities shall be conducted to develop the leadership capacity of the Project Management Committees (PMC) in every village. Recognition with the Education Department in operating this program shall be acquired and training needs of the teachers shall also be coordinated. We will also work on developing teaching syllabus.

RD Technical Learning Center is also considered this year. Early part of 2010 will be of setting-up the structure of school operation and coordinate such with the government responsible line agencies. RD Foundation will initiate consultations with its sister companies for the purpose of aligning such program in terms of man power requirements of the companies and in asking them to endorse pool of instructors from within the company who will handle classroom instructions and supervise hands-on trainings. We will also meet with community leaders pertaining to this program that they could help in screening and recommending youth applicants. Technical School is aimed to provide access for youth group in developing their skills that would give them the opportunity to participate in development processes thus increasing their competitiveness for employment. The program will help prepare the youth to participate in the looming economic development in Madang. Industrial development and other economic activities in the province are in need of skilled man powers hence this program is a timely response.

Livelihood Development

This Program is aimed to assist families in diversifying their source of income. Food security projects shall also be supported, making use of the family gardens by diversifying plants that will ensure food for the family and will increase income of the family. Trainings on livelihood will be conducted and a grant facility shall be provided. Livelihood trainings shall be coordinated with the Local Level Government’s Department of Agriculture. Especially on Education, Income-generating projects shall be supported to make the community-base nursery and kindergarten schools become self-sustaining in the future.

Program Partner-Beneficiary

Implementation of this program shall be coordinated properly with the government line agencies, community leaders and other development partners. Awareness program shall be initiated to make the people aware and actively participate on the existing and future programs. Direct beneficiaries of the program are children enrolled at the community-base nursery and kindergarten classes and their families. Youth groups will benefit directly from the technical school.

Outcome, Goals and Objectives

Program Goal
To participate in the process of community development by implementing and supporting programs on education, livelihood development and life skill workshops through synergy with PNG Development stakeholders that will uplift and improve life condition of disadvantage communities.

Program Objectives
1. To provide access on free education for children coming from the villages surrounding the RD Companies sites by strengthening and supporting the community-base program on Nursery and Kindergarten education.

2. To coordinate and establish partnership with the Education Department and the Madang Provincial Education Advisor’s Office in institutionalization of the community’s education program.

3. To improve management capacities of community leaders through Christian leadership orientation, trainings and seminars.

4. To strengthen the community leadership structure to ensure program sustainability.

5. To increase livelihood opportunities of the youth by providing skills development workshop.

7. To provide the community with trainings on livelihood that will enable them to acquire new
knowledge and skills to increase their earning capacity.

8. To conduct community outreach activities and participate in community initiated activities.

Expected Program Outcome

Established and institutionalized accessible, free nursery and pre-elementary education
Program, sustained through the management of a strengthened community leadership structure.

Established the technical school and produced graduates who are skilled qualified employees, has
better chance of employment and increased capacity to earn.

Improved families source of income through diversified economic activities.

Improved leadership and management capacity of Project Management Committee’s officers and members.

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