Thursday, November 18, 2010

Children's Assembly 2010 Hosted by RD Foundation PNG

One of the major activities we had in the month of October was the Children’s Assembly 2010. It was part of the celebration of the month of October as Children’s month here in PNG.

The activity was hosted by RD Foundation where all the children under its supported Kindergarten schools were present. Around 240 children were present and joined by their teachers, parents and community leaders. The activity was initiated to create awareness on the support provided by RD Foundation to the villages, to express RD Companies commitment through RD Foundation that it is always willing to cooperate and has been active helping villages on children's education and even livelihood projects and employment opportunities. Above all, the event is to show concern for the welfare of the children and to provide an avenue for them to meet other children from other villages under the RD Foundation’s supported schools.

Ms. Genevieve Fernando, Quality Assurance Manager of RD Tuna Canners was the Speaker giving Bible Reflection about how we should be a good parents for our children. She refered to Proverbs 22:6 that says "train up a child in a way he should go so that when he grows old, he will not depart from it". She also gave advise to the children by referring to Proverbs 22:15 that says "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right".

The Education Advisor of Madang Province Mr. Moses Sariki was the Guest Speaker. Mr. Sariki expressed appreciation and thanks the RD Group of Companies through RD Foundation for the significant contribution in educating the young children. The Education Department leaves it to the Community-based organizations to look after the Nursery and Kindergartens and RD's support to the communities is very important.

Members of the RD Foundations Board of Trustees were also present during the activity. Mr. Sanches, the RD Foundation PNG Treasurer on his speech encouraged the parents to continuously support their children because “through education we understand each other and we can contribute to the development of our society”.

On the other hand, Mr. Celso echoed the RD’s commitment to support such program for the children by boldly saying “while we are doing business here our commitment to support this program will be forever”.
Children from Haven Kindergarten School performed traditional sing-sing to welcome the Assembly participants.
With the children in this photo, from left Ms. Evelyn Sanches, Mr. Philip Sanches-Treasurer of RD Foundation and Senior Vice-President of Sales and Marketing RD Tuna Canners, Mr. Lou Selau, Councilor Nolan Kurinsak, Mr. Pedro Celso-Vice-President of RD Foundation PNG and Managing Director of RD Tuna Canners, Mr. Moses Sariki 0f the Education Department, Councilor Lilip Pato, Mr. John Wadiu, Mr. Albert, Rev. Alexander Ayop-Program Director of International Christian Alliance Ministries (ICAM) and Ms. Sonia Lee. Mr. Kernie Fanagel-Program Manager of RD Foundation PNG is standing behind Rev. Ayop.
The Madang International Christian Fellowship was full of children, parents, teachers and visitors.
RD Foundation PNG Staffs, community-based teachers and volunteers with Mr. Kernie Fanagel in a pose during the assembly. Mrs. Evelyn Sanches and Mrs. Sonia Lee-4rth and 5fth from the left-front row, helps and volunteers with the RD Foundation PNG and recently completed 3 sessions on Cooking Lesson, teaching the mother group's 9 tapioka recipes (see related blog post).

Children from Tagog and Savolon Village under our Community-based teacher Theresia Minel.
Children from Haven Village under our community-based teachers Magdaline Bou, Stanley Kui and Martin Uin-Masu.
Children from Darimdau village under our community-based teacher Dion Gikisan with his assistants.
Children from Bulbal Village under our community-based teacher Lynette Zaipo.

Children from Siar Village under our community-based teachers Wosmai Jabon, Dum jabon and Fiona.
Children from Wetwet Village under our community-based teacher Yangganu Mandarip.

The Children, the parents and the village leaders are very grateful for the support which RD Group of Companies in PNG extended throught the work of RD Foundation.

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