Friday, November 26, 2010

A visit in Darimdau Village

Darimdau is a small village in the interior part of Danip community. From RD Tuna Cannery plant site which is in Siar, Danip is 30 minutes away by vehicle. From Danip intersection going up to Darimdau village, it is most likely a 30 minutes walk. It is just difficult to reach the village without your own vehicle as seldom in a day the public mobile vehicle go up to the village. Oftentimes villagers just walk, carrying on their head their bilum which is full of garden food and buai which they sell in the market.

Long before RD Foundation works with the village to support the Kindergarten school, the Evangelical Outreach Ministry (EOM) was already visiting the village regularly, ones in a week, to conduct Bible studies and read Bible stories for the children. They also taught children how to read and write during this visits. EOM was doing the same thing in other villages. When RD Foundation started its operation in PNG, one of the programs is on community education. Upon seeing that there are plenty of children in the villages who has no access on early childhood education, supporting Nursery and Kindergarten schools was then considered, this time making it as a full time program in the villages. When a training for community-based teachers was conducted, Darimdau sent their participants and who are now doing the teaching job in the village. RD Foundation since then assisted the village Kindergarten school by supplying school supplies, training the teachers, supplying food items for children during nutrition days and other supports that help the school to sustain.

RD Foundation staffs visited Good Samaritan Kindergarten School (GSKS) and distributed school supplies to children. Mr. Kernie Fanagel, the Program Manager of RD Foundation PNG called the children one-by-one in front and handed them a set of school materials with workbook, crayon, ruler, writing pad and pencil. Chalk, scissors and other school supplies were turned over to the teachers. Everyone smiles as they came in front. Yanganu Mandarip-a full time community teacher staff of RD Foundation and Joel, an assistant teacher at GSKS assisted Mr. Fanagel.

Other children are waiting for their turn to receive school supplies.

A photo of some of the Children at GSKS in Darimdau Village with their community teacher Dion and his assistant Joel.

Children's meal is prepared regularly every month as a way of encouraging children to continuously coming to school and to serve them with good food. This is also an opportunity for parents to participate in school activities as they are the one cooking.

While waiting for the food, teacher Joel prepares the children for a presentation about nutrition.

Lining up for a good food after a short program about nutrition.

Mr. Fanagel is given a share-a plate of food. In most villages. the way they cook the food is to put everything in one pot and boil it with coconut milk. This is already a heavy meal but some people refers to this plate of food as refreshment. What do you think..will you get additional food after finishing this much? Laik blo yu...

After the meal, the group went out for picture taking.."we finished everything..." hehehe..

Who wants more kaikai? Olgeta...

More photos from the file will be posted here and more updates will be shared to you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Children's Assembly 2010 Hosted by RD Foundation PNG

One of the major activities we had in the month of October was the Children’s Assembly 2010. It was part of the celebration of the month of October as Children’s month here in PNG.

The activity was hosted by RD Foundation where all the children under its supported Kindergarten schools were present. Around 240 children were present and joined by their teachers, parents and community leaders. The activity was initiated to create awareness on the support provided by RD Foundation to the villages, to express RD Companies commitment through RD Foundation that it is always willing to cooperate and has been active helping villages on children's education and even livelihood projects and employment opportunities. Above all, the event is to show concern for the welfare of the children and to provide an avenue for them to meet other children from other villages under the RD Foundation’s supported schools.

Ms. Genevieve Fernando, Quality Assurance Manager of RD Tuna Canners was the Speaker giving Bible Reflection about how we should be a good parents for our children. She refered to Proverbs 22:6 that says "train up a child in a way he should go so that when he grows old, he will not depart from it". She also gave advise to the children by referring to Proverbs 22:15 that says "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right".

The Education Advisor of Madang Province Mr. Moses Sariki was the Guest Speaker. Mr. Sariki expressed appreciation and thanks the RD Group of Companies through RD Foundation for the significant contribution in educating the young children. The Education Department leaves it to the Community-based organizations to look after the Nursery and Kindergartens and RD's support to the communities is very important.

Members of the RD Foundations Board of Trustees were also present during the activity. Mr. Sanches, the RD Foundation PNG Treasurer on his speech encouraged the parents to continuously support their children because “through education we understand each other and we can contribute to the development of our society”.

On the other hand, Mr. Celso echoed the RD’s commitment to support such program for the children by boldly saying “while we are doing business here our commitment to support this program will be forever”.
Children from Haven Kindergarten School performed traditional sing-sing to welcome the Assembly participants.
With the children in this photo, from left Ms. Evelyn Sanches, Mr. Philip Sanches-Treasurer of RD Foundation and Senior Vice-President of Sales and Marketing RD Tuna Canners, Mr. Lou Selau, Councilor Nolan Kurinsak, Mr. Pedro Celso-Vice-President of RD Foundation PNG and Managing Director of RD Tuna Canners, Mr. Moses Sariki 0f the Education Department, Councilor Lilip Pato, Mr. John Wadiu, Mr. Albert, Rev. Alexander Ayop-Program Director of International Christian Alliance Ministries (ICAM) and Ms. Sonia Lee. Mr. Kernie Fanagel-Program Manager of RD Foundation PNG is standing behind Rev. Ayop.
The Madang International Christian Fellowship was full of children, parents, teachers and visitors.
RD Foundation PNG Staffs, community-based teachers and volunteers with Mr. Kernie Fanagel in a pose during the assembly. Mrs. Evelyn Sanches and Mrs. Sonia Lee-4rth and 5fth from the left-front row, helps and volunteers with the RD Foundation PNG and recently completed 3 sessions on Cooking Lesson, teaching the mother group's 9 tapioka recipes (see related blog post).

Children from Tagog and Savolon Village under our Community-based teacher Theresia Minel.
Children from Haven Village under our community-based teachers Magdaline Bou, Stanley Kui and Martin Uin-Masu.
Children from Darimdau village under our community-based teacher Dion Gikisan with his assistants.
Children from Bulbal Village under our community-based teacher Lynette Zaipo.

Children from Siar Village under our community-based teachers Wosmai Jabon, Dum jabon and Fiona.
Children from Wetwet Village under our community-based teacher Yangganu Mandarip.

The Children, the parents and the village leaders are very grateful for the support which RD Group of Companies in PNG extended throught the work of RD Foundation.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nursery and Kindergarten School Updates

One of the main thrusts of RD Foundation’s support to Madang communities is on children’s education. The overall purpose of this program is to provide support facilities to community-base Nursery and Kindergarten School where Papua New Guinea children could access free quality early childhood education thus increasing literacy and preparedness of children before going into elementary education.

The RD Foundation through its program staffs works with the villages by organizing the Project Management Committees (PMC) who are responsible for the nursery and kindergarten schools and other related activities which RD Foundation and the villages are engaged with. The PMC is a village structure whos members are chosen by the parents of the children enrolled at the school. They are responsible in planning for the school development and overseeing projects and activities and coordinate such with the Foundation.

Currently, the RD Foundation is supporting community-base nursery and kindergarten schools in the following villages;
Support Provided

a. Training of Community-Base Teachers

Community-base teachers are volunteers from the host villages who are assigned by the community to teach the children. RD Foundation supports them by giving trainings and seminars to equip them in their teaching job. They are organized into group and meet regularly to discuss issues affecting their job in the community.
In villages where number of children enrollees is high, we assigned our own hired employees to teach the children. In other villages, the Project Management Committees (PMC) assigned a community teacher who will look after the children. PMC is a community structure composed of leaders and parents appointed representatives, acts as the overseer of the community school and other related projects.
b. Provision of School Supplies and Materials

As a support, RD Foundation is also providing school supplies for the children. Items given include the following;

§ Work book, pencils, crayons, rulers, writing pads and other basic materials.
§ Chalk boards, writing table and benches and writing desks.
§ Assistance during school construction includes nails, transportation of bush materials and food for work.

C. Feeding Activities

This month of March 2010, we started feeding activities in response to teacher’s last year’s report that children’s attendance decreases and they could not concentrate on their learning activities due to hunger. We initiated feeding activities every 2 weeks during the weekend to encourage children to continue coming to school. We cooked meal of rice, tuna, egg, green vegetables, sweet potatoes with coconut cream. We also serve milk.

The mothers participated by helping to prepare and cook the food and served the children. They also bring food they cooked from their houses. During the feeding activities, the teacher also took the opportunity to organize a short program where children are giving presentations of their learning and talents.

RD Foundation PNG: Program Profile

About RD Foundation PNG
RD Foundation PNG INC. is a member of the RD Group of Companies in Papua New Guinea. It is duly registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) with Association Number 5-4057 on December 7, 2009.

Contact Information:

  • Postal Address: c/o RD Tuna Canners, Ltd., Portion 1004, NCR, Siar, Madang, 511 Madang, Papua New Guinea
  • Phone No.: (675) 853-3144/Ext.132

Program Description

This 2010, RD Foundation PNG will concentrate its program implementation in Madang. It will focus basically on strengthening the two major program components; 1. Community Education and 2. Livelihood Development that will benefit the communities surrounding the RD Company’s sites. Community Outreach activities shall be integrated in the program implementation.

Community Education

Nursery and Kindergarten
The existing community-base program on Nursery and Kindergarten shall be strengthened institutionally with functional management structure in the community level. Supporting the Nursery and Kindergarten program is an important mechanism the Foundation has for the community that they could continue to access free education for children. Capacity building activities shall be conducted to develop the leadership capacity of the Project Management Committees (PMC) in every village. Recognition with the Education Department in operating this program shall be acquired and training needs of the teachers shall also be coordinated. We will also work on developing teaching syllabus.

RD Technical Learning Center is also considered this year. Early part of 2010 will be of setting-up the structure of school operation and coordinate such with the government responsible line agencies. RD Foundation will initiate consultations with its sister companies for the purpose of aligning such program in terms of man power requirements of the companies and in asking them to endorse pool of instructors from within the company who will handle classroom instructions and supervise hands-on trainings. We will also meet with community leaders pertaining to this program that they could help in screening and recommending youth applicants. Technical School is aimed to provide access for youth group in developing their skills that would give them the opportunity to participate in development processes thus increasing their competitiveness for employment. The program will help prepare the youth to participate in the looming economic development in Madang. Industrial development and other economic activities in the province are in need of skilled man powers hence this program is a timely response.

Livelihood Development

This Program is aimed to assist families in diversifying their source of income. Food security projects shall also be supported, making use of the family gardens by diversifying plants that will ensure food for the family and will increase income of the family. Trainings on livelihood will be conducted and a grant facility shall be provided. Livelihood trainings shall be coordinated with the Local Level Government’s Department of Agriculture. Especially on Education, Income-generating projects shall be supported to make the community-base nursery and kindergarten schools become self-sustaining in the future.

Program Partner-Beneficiary

Implementation of this program shall be coordinated properly with the government line agencies, community leaders and other development partners. Awareness program shall be initiated to make the people aware and actively participate on the existing and future programs. Direct beneficiaries of the program are children enrolled at the community-base nursery and kindergarten classes and their families. Youth groups will benefit directly from the technical school.

Outcome, Goals and Objectives

Program Goal
To participate in the process of community development by implementing and supporting programs on education, livelihood development and life skill workshops through synergy with PNG Development stakeholders that will uplift and improve life condition of disadvantage communities.

Program Objectives
1. To provide access on free education for children coming from the villages surrounding the RD Companies sites by strengthening and supporting the community-base program on Nursery and Kindergarten education.

2. To coordinate and establish partnership with the Education Department and the Madang Provincial Education Advisor’s Office in institutionalization of the community’s education program.

3. To improve management capacities of community leaders through Christian leadership orientation, trainings and seminars.

4. To strengthen the community leadership structure to ensure program sustainability.

5. To increase livelihood opportunities of the youth by providing skills development workshop.

7. To provide the community with trainings on livelihood that will enable them to acquire new
knowledge and skills to increase their earning capacity.

8. To conduct community outreach activities and participate in community initiated activities.

Expected Program Outcome

Established and institutionalized accessible, free nursery and pre-elementary education
Program, sustained through the management of a strengthened community leadership structure.

Established the technical school and produced graduates who are skilled qualified employees, has
better chance of employment and increased capacity to earn.

Improved families source of income through diversified economic activities.

Improved leadership and management capacity of Project Management Committee’s officers and members.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brief History

RD Foundation started as a Charity Work of the Rivera Family in 1976 when they started their First Pawnshop.

As the pawnshop business expanded, the Rivera’s established RD Scholarship Foundation. They focused on supporting education of children of church leaders and Pastors.

In 2003, RD Foundation of General Santos was incorporated and registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Under the leadership of Mr. Rodrigo Rivera Jr., an active Rotarian, the scholarship program accommodated marginalized students from Mindanao State University. The Foundation also supported medical/dental missions and supplemental feeding programs.

A few years after, Mr. Ritche Rivera also a Rotarian took the helm of RD Foundation as its Vice Chairperson. With new drive and dynamism, he expanded the Foundation’s programs. The Scholarship Program was opened to indigenous peoples and Muslim students. Health and Social Services and other Sustainable Development projects were implemented. In 2006, Mr. Ritche Rivera, was awarded the Ernst & Young “Socially Responsible Entrepreneur” during the prestigious Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

RD Foundation with its aim to professionalize and efficiently improve its service delivery to communities is currently undergoing institutionalization phase. The aim is to be more than just a Philanthropic institution but a development Foundation.

In 2007 – Mr. Karl Vincent Quiepo, the RD Foundation Executive Director, visited the Foundations sister companies, the RD Tuna Canners and RD Fishing in Madang, Papua New Guinea. He visited back in 2008 with Mr. Kernie D. Fanagel whom they assigned to start the RD Foundation PNG Office.